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Pavlova is a delicious, romantic, elegant dessert, perfect for entertaining at home, which can even be made in advance!

It’s crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, almost like a marshmallow. This particular one is filled with whipped cream, Lemon Curd and topped with red fruits.

You can check out my Reel to watch every step of the process on how to make the perfect Pavlova!

I know that some of you may be a little frightened at the thought of making this dessert, but I can assure you that if you follow the recipe to the letter, you will have amazing results! Actually, it’s much easier than you may think.

Everyone loves this dessert, and it can be filled with anything you want! Personally, I like to use lots of whipped cream and whatever I happen to have at home: maybe some Lemon Curd, jam and seasonal fruit. Pavlova is a great fresh dessert that always looks amazing!

To make the Pavlova you will need egg whites (the yolks can be used for the Lemon Curd), sugar, lemon juice or white vinegar, vanilla extract and cornstarch, all of which you most certainly already have at home!

Once baked, the center of the Pavlova sinks and the outer layer turns crispy. It could occasionally crack a little, but it’s totally normal!

You can make a large Pavlova or mini individual ones that are super cute! I like to create some design or pattern on the meringue, but you can just leave it plain if you prefer.

It’s a must that the egg whites should be at room temperature to begin whipping them. However, eggs separate easier when cold, so I suggest separating them first and then letting the whites come to room temperature.

You can bake the Pavlova 1 or 2 days ahead and fill it up to 3 hours before serving. After that, it starts turning mushy.

If you try out these Pavlova, please do not forget to rate it and leave a comment! I love reading and replying to all your comments! You can also tag your pics to  @elinasaiach on Instagram!


Servings 0


For the Pavlova:

  • 5 eggs, at room temperature
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cold water
  • 250 g white sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp lemon juice or white vinegar
  • 15 g cornstarch

For the filling:

  • 1 Lemon Curd Recipe
  • 1 cup whipped cream, very cold
  • Fresh berries or any other seasonal fruit of your choice


  • Preheat oven at 130°C/265°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and draw a 15cm circle in the middle.
  • Beat egg whites and salt until soft peaks form. Reduce the speed of the mixer and add the water and sugar. Increase the speed again and beat for 5-7 minutes until stiff peaks form. Fold in vanilla, lemon or vinegar and cornstarch, mixing gently until well- combined.
  • Spread the meringue onto the prepared baking sheet to fill the circle, using the spatula to shape it.
  • Bake for 1 hour. Reduce the temperature to 110°C/235°F and bake for another 40 minutes. Turn off the oven and let meringue sit inside with the door closed for 1 ½ hours.
  • Fill the Pavlova with lemon curd, whipped cream and fresh fruit.
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Hi, my name is Elina!

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