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Hi, my name is Elina!

Welcome to my recipe web site, my name is Elina Saiach, an Argentinian living in San Francisco for some time now.

In this web site, I want to share with all of you all the things I love and enjoy cooking for my family and friends.

Hi, my name is Elina!

Welcome to my recipe web site, my name is Elina Saiach, an Argentinian living in San Francisco for some time now.

In this web site, I want to share with all of you all the things I love and enjoy cooking for my family and friends.

I would love to inspire you to try cooking new, simple and delicious things, even though you do not believe you can do it! Actually, that was exactly how I felt some years ago when I decided to quit my job and started becoming more and more involved in cooking.

That was when I realized that much of the food I used to eat was store-bought, and that I could replace it with homemade food.

Cooking is not just a matter of mixing up a bunch of ingredients, but rather an act of love we do not express with words, but with dedication and patience. Walking into the kitchen is my time to relax. It cheers me up and fills me with joy. There is nothing like the aroma of a cake or bread baking in the oven, or watch someone enjoy food I have made myself.

Cooking has no boundaries! I have been lucky enough to experience and learn recipes in different parts of the world. I took the best from each of those places, and I am now sharing all those recipes here with you so that you can try them out in your own homes.

I hope you enjoy my recipes, and please do not forget to let me know how they turn out!